Schwartz, Dov

Religious-Zionism : history and ideology / Dov Schwartz ; translated by Batya Stein - Boston : Academic Studies Press, 2009. - vii, 144 p. ; 25 cm - Emunot : Jewish philosophy and Kabbalah .

Bibliography : p. 124-136. Includes index.

A revolutionary consciousness -- Rabbi Reines and the foundation of the Mizrachi -- Religious-Zionist education: beginnings -- Rav Kook: an orthodox-national alternative to Religious-Zionism -- The foundation of the Chief Rabbinate -- Ha-Po'el Ha-Mizrachi: against the exile and the bourgeoisie -- Criticizing Zionist policy -- The settlement drive -- Religious-Zionism and the Holocaust -- Israel's first years: hopes and disappointments -- From rearguard to vanguard: the struggle for greater Israel -- Religious Zionism in the United States -- Religious Zionism: present and future .


Religious Zionism
Religious Zionism--History
