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1. Israeli perceptions of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism

by Shapira, Anita.

Source: The journal of Israeli historyMaterial type: article Article; Format: print Availability: No items available

2. Why does the Third world oppose Zionism?

by Laytner, Anson.

Source: New outlook Material type: article Article; Format: print Availability: No items available

3. Zionism and the spirit of the age

by Hallak, Othman.

Source: New outlook Material type: article Article; Format: print Availability: No items available

4. Zionism under the spotlight

by Brownfeld, Allan C.

Source: Middle East internationalMaterial type: article Article; Format: print Availability: No items available

5. Depoliticising Zionism on the road to holy war

by Warschawski, Michel, 1949-.

Source: News from withinMaterial type: article Article; Format: print Availability: No items available

6. Memoirs of an anti-Zionist Jew

by Berger, Elmer, 1908-1996.

Source: Journal of Palestine studiesMaterial type: article Article; Format: print Availability: No items available

7. Israel

by Gorenberg, Gershom.

Source: Foreign policyMaterial type: article Article; Format: print Availability: No items available

8. The anti-Zionist resolution

by Lewis, Bernard, 1916-2018.

Source: Foreign affairsMaterial type: article Article; Format: print Availability: No items available

9. The other Israel : the radical case against Zionism / compiled by Arie Bober

by Bober, Arie.

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: Garden City, N.Y. : Anchor Press, 1972Availability: Items available for loan: IPS Constantine Zurayk Library [Call number: 956.94001 B663o] (1).

10. Palestine : illustrated political history / prepared and designed by Ismail Shammout ; translated by Abdul-Qader Daher

by Shammout, Ismail, 1930-2006.

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: Beirut, Lebanon : Palestine Liberation Organization, Cultural Arts Section, 1972Availability: Items available for loan: IPS Constantine Zurayk Library [Call number: 912.5694 S528p] (1).

11. Palestine : the collective destruction of Palestinian villages and Zionist colonization, 1882-1982 / Abdul Jawad Saleh and Walid Mustafa

by Salih, Abdul Jawad | Mustafa, Walid | Jerusalem Center for Development Studies (London, England).

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: London : Jerusalem Center for Development Studies, 1987Availability: Items available for loan: IPS Constantine Zurayk Library [Call number: 956.94 S165p] (1).

12. Palestine and the Arabs' fight for liberation / by Fred Feldman and Georges Sayad

by Feldman, Fred | Sayad, Georges.

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: New York : Pathfinder Press, 1989Availability: Items available for loan: IPS Constantine Zurayk Library [Call number: 956.94 F312p] (1).

13. The Palestine question and the Turks : a study in retrospect, 1880-1980 / M. Kemal Oke

by Oke, Mim Kemal.

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: Ankara : Cyprus Turkish Cultural Association, 1987Availability: Items available for loan: IPS Constantine Zurayk Library [Call number: 956.94 O41p] (1).

14. Palestine through the fog of propaganda / by M.F. Abcarius; with an introduction by Major-General Sir E.L. Spears

by Abcarius, Michel Fred, 1884-.

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: London : Hutchinson, [1946]Availability: Items available for loan: IPS Constantine Zurayk Library [Call number: 956.94 A134p] (1).

15. Palestine through the fog of propaganda [microform] / M.F. Abcarius

by Abcarius, Michel Fred, 1884-.

Material type: visual material Visual material; Type of visual material: Publisher: London : Hutchinson, 1946Availability: Items available for loan: IPS Constantine Zurayk Library [Call number: Mic-Books : 13] (1).

16. The "Palestine" plot / by B. Jensen

by Jensen, B.

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: Perth, Scotland : W.L. Richardson, 1948Availability: Items available for loan: IPS Constantine Zurayk Library [Call number: 956.94001 J54p] (1).

17. Palestine, still a dilemma / Frank C. Sakran

by Sakran, Frank Charles.

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: Ardmore, Pa. : Whitmore Publishing Company, c1976Availability: Items available for loan: IPS Constantine Zurayk Library [Call number: 956.04 S158p] (1).

18. Palestinians : the invisible victims / James J. Zogby

by Zogby, James Joseph, 1945- | American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: Washington, D.C. : ADC, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, 1981Availability: Items available for loan: IPS Constantine Zurayk Library [Call number: 323.11927 Z85p] (1).

19. Papers on Palestine III : a collection of articles by distinguished Jews who oppose political Zionism / Arthur Hays Sulzberger ... [et al.]

by Sulzberger, Arthur Hays.

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: New York : Institute of Arab American Affairs, 1947Availability: Items available for loan: IPS Constantine Zurayk Library [Call number: CA 956.94 P214 v.3 c.1] (2).

20. The partisan views of Reverend James Parkes / by Ass'ad Razzouk

by Razzuq, As'ad, 1935-.

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: Beirut, Lebanon : Palestine Liberation Organization, Research Center, 1970Availability: Items available for loan: IPS Constantine Zurayk Library [Call number: 956.94001092 P252r] (1).

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